When you buy lure parts and make your own lures you can save quite a bit of cash. Lures from the store can be costly, and when they get hooked things under the water they can get lost. When you lose them it can be upsetting because it’s like throwing money away…literally. But there is an alternative, buying lure parts. Lure parts are much cheaper than a manufactured lure. Sure, they don’t look as good when you assemble them yourself, but they are just as effective. Plus you can customize them using various lure parts to make your lure even more effective than that store bought one.
A Spinnerbait is one of the lure parts and a type of fishing lure that get its name from at least one or more metal blades shaped that spin like a propeller when the all lure parts are in motion. When these lure parts spin, it makes an unstable degree of flash and shaking that mimics small fish. Spinnerbaits ha ve a few different types the “in-line spinner”, the “safety pin”, and the “tail-spinner”. Among the three types, the safety pin is most commonly use d. It’s also known as a “hairpin” lure because of its wire spine that is bent to form a v-shape that is much like a hairpin. A spinner is wired to an eye at one end of the spinnerbait. At the other end you can attach the hook which can be covered by other lure parts that will camouflage the hook, like a skirt or a tail . Buzzbaits are also of one of t he popular lure parts and close cousins of spinnerbaits. Buzzbaits also have small propellers on one arm instead of having a spinner. These propellers use vibrations to catch fish rather than flashing lights.
Plugs are another great lure. Plugs can be made entirely from wood or plastic lure parts that look like minnows or other fish that large fish like to eat. A plug can resemble prey like crayfish, salamanders, rodents and other yummy treats. Plugs don’t really use a lot of lure parts, except for hooks, but are quite effective nonetheless. They can be anywhere from 1 inch to 8 inches long, depending on the type of fish you want to land. There are also topwater plugs, commonly known as ‘ poppers’, which float on the water and imitate small frogs or baitfish that splash around in the water. Floater-diver plugs are another great type of plug that have up to seven hooks on their underside. Floater-diver plugs have more lure parts that regular plugs. Lure parts like small plastic (or metal) scoops called lips near the end where you tie your line. When you start to reel a floater-diver in, it dives under the water, it then floats back up to the surface when you stop reeling. These lure parts look like real fish, and entices larger fish to eat it.
Making your own lures from various lure parts is a excellent idea. You can experiment with different lure parts, assembling them in different variations to find out what works best. Plus you can customize them for different situations…murky or muddy waters, clear waters, water with a lot of weeds in it, and so one. You can also use different lure parts to attract different fish, and if you lose that lure, no problem, just grab your lure parts and make another one!
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